First Year Inquiry: Making, Doing, &

COR 104
Description: This course introduces you to interdisciplinary inquiry using applied, project-based, and/or experiential methods. Regardless of the specific course focus, you'll have opportunities for making and doing interdisciplinary knowledge creation through a variety of approaches and activities. You will collaborate with other students, iterate on ideas, and work to develop a project. For detailed descriptions of the individual sections of this course, cut and paste the following link into your browser:

Prerequisite: Take Cor-103 concurrently.
Credits: 3

Currently Offered

Course # Days Time Dates Instructor Seats
COR 104-01 TH 11:30-2:15PM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 Banfill 1
COR 104-02 F 2:30-5:15PM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 Banfill -1
COR 104-03 MTH 1-2:15PM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 Bowen 1
COR 104-04 MTH 2:30-3:45PM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 Bowen 0
COR 104-05 MTH 11:30-12:45PM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 Capone 1
COR 104-06 MTH 1-2:15PM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 Capone 5
COR 104-07 TTH 5:30-6:45PM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 Randell 2
COR 104-08 TTH 5:30-6:45PM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 Jeso 5
COR 104-09 MTH 4-5:15PM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 Jeso 3
COR 104-10 TF 4-5:15PM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 Jeso 5
COR 104-11 MTH 10-11:15AM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 Kite 0
COR 104-12 MTH 11:30-12:45PM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 Kite 0
COR 104-13 T 4-6:45PM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 Moser-Hardy 0
COR 104-14 F 2:30-5:15PM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 Moser-Hardy -1
COR 104-15 W 9-11:45AM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 Shonstrom 1
COR 104-16 W 12:15-3PM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 Shonstrom 1
COR 104-17 TH 10-12:45PM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 Shonstrom -1
COR 104-18 F 10-12:45PM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 Shonstrom -1
COR 104-19 MTH 11:30-12:45PM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 Wehmeyer 0
COR 104-20 MTH 1-2:15PM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 Wehmeyer -1
COR 104-21 MTH 8:30-9:45AM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 de Haro 0
COR 104-22 MTH 11:30-12:45PM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 de Haro 0
COR 104-23 MTH 2:30-3:45PM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 Young 1
COR 104-24 W 9-11:45AM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 Wright -1
COR 104-25 MTH 11:30-12:45PM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 LaMalfa 0
COR 104-27 TF 11:30-12:45PM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 LaMalfa 1
COR 104-28 W 9-11:45AM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 Glover 3
COR 104-51 MW 5:30-6:45PM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 Shonstrom 0
COR 104-35 Online Online 06/03/24 - 08/09/24 LaMalfa 6
COR 104-01 TF 4-5:15PM 08/26/24 - 12/13/24 Moser-Hardy -1