Introduction to Game Programming

GPR 100
Description: Students will be introduced to and familiarized with their roles as Game Programmers. The course explores the various disciplines and vocations within game programming, provides an overview of the skills that make a game programmer successful, and presents both industry and academic contexts for their duties. Through hands-on projects using modern game technology, students will gain practical experience in their craft.

Prerequisite: Game Programming major or by permission of program director (Game Programming)
Credits: 3

Currently Offered

Course # Days Time Dates Instructor Seats
GPR 100-01 MTH 2:30-3:45PM 08/26/24 - 12/13/24 Winebrenner 0
GPR 100-02 MTH 4-5:15PM 08/26/24 - 12/13/24 Tolstenko Nogueira 2