Problem Analysis & Decision Making

MGT 425
Description: This is a fourth-year business course designed for Business, e-Business & Commerce, Hotel-Restaurant Management, and International Business majors. It provides students with a broadly applicable framework for identifying, analyzing and resolving problems. Major topics include: a critique of traditional problem-solving methods; barriers to problem identification; ways to recognize and identify problems; tools for developing innovative alternatives; techniques for evaluating and choosing among alternative solutions; and how to implement solutions through action plans. This course emphasizes the use of creative problem solving, innovation and divergent/convergent thinking techniques throughout all phases of problem analysis. Upon completion of this course, students should have acquired the essential tools to confront complex problems in any workplace or societal context.

Prerequisite: Must complete 75 credits before taking this course.
Credits: 3

Currently Offered

Course # Days Time Dates Instructor Seats
MGT 425-01 MTH 11:30-12:45PM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 O'Grady 9
MGT 425-01 TH 5:30-8:15PM 08/26/24 - 12/13/24 Gantasala 14