Visual Creativity & Meaning

VCD 220
Description: Building on a critical engagement with Western and non-Western art, this design history course follows the progression of aesthetic styles from the Renaissance to the pre-digital mid-twentieth century. Blurring the boundary between 'fine art' and the 'applied' or 'decorative arts', and against the backdrop of an emerging capital-based economy and industrialization, we trace how artists architects, and designers created visual work in response to their era. You will discover the bedrock late-nineteenth- and early twentieth-century art and design movements so central to design as we see it today.

Prerequisite: ART-120
Credits: 3

Currently Offered

Course # Days Time Dates Instructor Seats
VCD 220-01 TF 1-2:15PM 01/16/24 - 05/03/24 Perlah -2