Legal Issues in Communication

COM 365
Description: This course explores the legal context of communication through the mass media and closely related industries in the United States. Students will become familiar with the workings of the judicial system, including its structure and procedures. The course fosters an appreciation of how longstanding legal frameworks have been applied to different media environments, including the Internet. Students will develop an understanding of these issues and the ability to analyze the important legal, ethical and policy issues related to the mass media.

Prerequisite: Must complete 60 credits before taking this course.
Credits: 3

Currently Offered

Course # Days Time Dates Instructor Seats
COM 365-01 MTH 4-5:15PM 01/13/25 - 05/02/25 Silver -4
COM 365-01 TF 11:30-12:45PM 08/25/25 - 12/12/25 Silver 18