Malware Analysis & Incident Response

FOR 350
Description: Students will learn various techniques to study malware working with real commodity malware as well as specially crafted advanced malware. We study various techniques of malware propagation, methods of detection-evasion and how to respond to a malware outbreak. Students will learn how to acquire system memory and forensically analyze memory dumps. Finally, students will learn about best practices and techniques for responding to security incidents.

Prerequisite: (FOR-230 with C or better) OR (Complete (NET-225, SEC-250 and NET-255) with a grade of C)
Credits: 3

Currently Offered

Course # Days Time Dates Instructor Seats
FOR 350-01 M 2:30-5:15PM 01/13/25 - 05/02/25 Hadi 15
FOR 350-02 TF 10-11:15AM 01/13/25 - 05/02/25 Staff 0