Introduction to Modern Graphics Programming

GPR 200
Description: This course takes a shaders-first dive into modern computer graphics programming. Students are introduced to vertex and fragment shaders, 2D and 3D coordinate spaces, drawing primitives, lighting and shading, data flow and manipulation, and modern GPU capabilities. Linear algebra and 3D math concepts will be refreshed and/or introduced for applicable topics.

Prerequisite: Complete CSI-240 with a minimum grade of C or better.
Credits: 3

Currently Offered

Course # Days Time Dates Instructor Seats
GPR 200-01 TF 10-11:15AM 08/26/24 - 12/13/24 Winebrenner -5
GPR 200-02 TF 11:30-12:45PM 08/26/24 - 12/13/24 Winebrenner -4