Network Protocols

NET 215
Description: This course is a thorough review of the foundational protocols used on the Internet and modern enterprise networks. With a focus on protocols aligned with the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and OSI models, students will explore the development and structure of protocols, their role in data communications, and integration within network-based applications. Students will engage in hands-on activities aimed at protocol analysis, network troubleshooting, and protocol-related security concerns.

Prerequisite: Complete NET-150 with a grade of C or better.
Credits: 3

Currently Offered

Course # Days Time Dates Instructor Seats
NET 215-01 TF 1-2:15PM 01/13/25 - 05/02/25 Patnode 1
NET 215-01 MTH 11:30-12:45PM 08/25/25 - 12/12/25 Goldstein 18
NET 215-02 TF 10-11:15AM 08/25/25 - 12/12/25 Patnode 18
NET 215-03 TF 1-2:15PM 08/25/25 - 12/12/25 Staff 0